Nightsolo's Mass Effect Legendary Edition Guide Introduction
The use of game-editing programs has unpredictable effects. If you use one of these programs, the information in this guide may not work for you.
Using cheats can ruin your gaming experience. Cheat with caution.
This guide is not 100% complete, and probably never will be. No matter how many times I go through this guide, no matter how many times I play these games, I'll always miss something. If you find any errors please let me know (see How to Contact Me, below).
Also, most of the stuff mentioned in this guide is copyright Bioware, Demiurge, Electronic Arts, or somebody else. All I'm doing here is compiling it in one handy location.
Stuff to Know
I assume you've read the manual (available in the game's installation directory) and have some idea how to play, how the interface works, etc.
Even though this guide provides all the solutions to puzzles and such, you still need to perform all the actions for the solution to work. The game won't give you something unless it recognizes that you've performed the prerequisites for it.
I occasionally get confused when talking about directions. Up, down, left, and right are usually towards that side of the screen. North, South, East, and West are usually map directions, but can correspond to screen directions as well. Nard lysdexia!
I use several abbreviations in this guide. Here are some:
- EXP - EXperience Points
- HP - Hit Points
- NPC - Non Player Character (your party member)
Certain things are highlighted in color:
- Items and Codex Entries are written in bold. e.g. Medi-Gel
- Locations are written in green. e.g. The Citadel
- Abilities are written in yellow. e.g. Throw
- Actions are written in orange. e.g. Talk
- Paragon Choices are written in blue.
- Renegade Choices are written in red.
Key to the maps in LE1:
Note: The in-game planet maps won't show some symbols until you've "used" the object. My maps show everything so you can find stuff easily.
- An important person
- A computer you can interact with
- A lootable container, such as lockers, medigel, etc
- Collectable item on a planet that can be collected, such as a medallion, writing, etc
- Debris that can be unlocked and looted on a planet
- A Surveyable Mineral for your collection Assignment.
- Where the Mako lands on a planet
- A Plot Point: part of a Mission or Assignment
- Point of Interest
- A transition point to or from another map
How to Contact Me
Email me:
Use this form:
Stuff I Do/Don't Need to Know
I DO need the following information:
- Any items, weapons, encounters, inside jokes that I've missed.
- Any tips or secrets not already in here.
- Any typos or grammatical errors.
- Any sections that don't make sense to you.
- Comments. Questions. Rude remarks.
I DO NOT need the following:
- Tips that are already in here.
Release Info
The author of this guide has no relation to Bioware, or Demiurge, Electronic Arts, or anyone else related to the Mass Effect games.
This walkthrough can be distributed however you like as long as you don't claim credit for it.
Version History:
1.0: published 1 August 2021 - Index for all three games. LE1 guide updated for organization and tweaks.